take me home!!
blog portfolio art gallery music fun stuff

inaugural blog post!!

I'm glad you decided to check out my blog! I feel like "blogger" is one of the classic rhetorical examples of a lame job/hobby. Actually, now that I think about it, me and my friend actually made a character who was the epitome of all the lame and annoying bloggers from the 90's and 2000's (like Maddox). His name was Xander!

A picture of me any my friends character Xander with his brother, whose name I don't remember

Here he is with his brother who is named uhh… it used to be Kumori, but then
we changed it- I completely forgot what we changed it to though…

Such an ironic twist of fate: me to create a fictional guy just to make fun of bloggers, then becoming a blogger myself. It's like they always say...

You either die a person who thinks bloggers are kinda lame, or live long enough to see yourself buy Arino4u dot com and use it as a blog.

How sad...

Anywho - yes, Arino4u dot com SLASH blog is officially open for business, which is very exciting! That's not the only update though!

In addition to the blog section, the portfolio and art gallery are also open!

The portfolio is what I'm most proud of for sure, and was a whole lot of fun to make. I wasn't sure exactly how to format a portfolio to a webpage, so instead of dinking around with HTML (which I'm still very new to) I opened up Photoshop (something I'm more fluent in) and threw together a mockup of a design.

Click here for a link to that mockup, if you're curious to see it.

That was a very good idea, and making the page was much simpler with a clear goal to strive towards.

As I said before, the art gallery is now open too, though it is admittedly very barebones as of now. I haven't actually been drawing for very long, so I don't really have a whole lot of art to showcase, hence the kinda sad display. It'll be cool to see it expand as I make more art though, especially as I improve as an artist. I'd like to try to do something more with the art gallery than just have it literally be a collection of jpegs, but uhh... I dunno what that'd be. Email me with ideas if you'd like!

So now that I've gone through the stuff I've actually finished working on, let's talk about some stuff I'd like to implement soon!

Well, obviously the "music" section of the site is still under construction. In all honesty, I'm not totally sure what to do with the music section? When I first made this site I was noodling around in FL Studio a lot, so I thought it could be kinda fun to just plop anything I ended up making in that section, but now my relationship with music has changed a bit? I've been working on some more like- earnest music stuff that I'd like to put out there, but I also feel nervous to do that. I mean y'know, it's not like I'm writing super sad emotional songs or anything, but I think just sharing audio of myself singing in a non-anonymous way is kinda nerve-wracking for me. It shouldn't be, because I like singing a lot, and I'm pretty proud of the stuff I've made, but I dunno.

I guess what I'm saying is: It's a lot easier to try to be funny and sarcastic than it is to just earnestly share a skill and passion with people. I wanna try to start being more honest in the way I present myself in videos and online though, so I feel like I owe it to myself to show you guys some of that stuff I'm working on. I'm not gonna connect it with my main YouTube channel though, so only residents of Arino4u dot com (aka cool people) will get to hear my music.

And then finally, there's the "fun stuff" section!

The fun stuff section will eventually act as just sort of a hub for the "everything else" section of the website. A place where you'll just find a whole bunch of weird little experiments with HTML and all kinds of junk that is just very irrelevant to the main focus of the website. I like the idea of having a backdoor leading to this totally chaotic and labyrinthine chunk of the website where people can just explore and find all sorts of hijinks. Of course, it'd only get to that point after like- years of regular updates to the website, but if I keep at it for long enough, it could totally happen.

Who knows!

So anyway, stay tuned for more updates to Arino4u dot com in the near future!!

Have a wonderful night :)

Posted 10/25/2023

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